Référence :20360

Some letters, containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c. In the years 1685 and 1686 [relié avec] Three letters concerning the present state of Italy, written in the year 1687.

BURNET Gilbert:

Rotterdam, printed for Abraham Acher, bookseller by the Exchange, 1687 [et] 1688. Petit in-8 de [24]-336 et [16]-191-[1] pages, plein veau caramel, dos à nerfs orné de filets à froid, plats décorés de double filets et fleurons à froid, tranche rouge.

Seconde édition, corrected, and altered in some places by the author. To which is added an Appendix, containing some remarks on Switzerland and Italy, writ by a Person of Quality, and communicated to the Author. "L'opera è composta di 5 lettere, 4 delle quali scritte nel 1685. Da Zurigo, 1° settembre: riassunto del viaggio attraverso Francia e Svizzera; Milano, 1° ottobre: i Grigioni, la Valtellina, i Laghi; Firenze, 5 novembre: Veneto, Bologna, Appennino, Firenze; Roma, 8 dicembre: Napoli e dintorni, Roma; Nimega, 20 maggio 1686: il ritorno da Civitavecchia a Marsiglia, la Svizzera e la Germania per la solita via Basilea-Düsseldorf. In fine, l'appendice (pp. 307-336) contiene osservazioni complementari sui Grigioni, Lugano, i Laghi, Ferrara, Bologna, la Toscana e un'addenda di critiche al governo papale." Fiammetta Olschki, 111 pour une édition plus tardive. Raccolta Fossati Bellani, 62 pour la première édition publiée la même année.Le sous-titre du deuxième ouvrage (qui est rare) apporte le détail du contenu des trois lettres: I. Relating to the Affair of Molinos, and the Quietists. II. Relating to the Inquisition, and the State of Religion. III. Relating to the Policy and Interest of some of the States of Italy. Petit manque de papier (moins de 1 cm) à 3 ff. ( E1 à E3) avec une petite perte de texte. Reliure frottée, cmanque coiffe sup., un mors fendu. Ex-libris manuscrit ancien.

450.00 CHF